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With Dan Gordon

DAN GORDON, Captain in the Israel Defense Forces Reserve:

Segment One:

  • Operation Protective Edge and the true historical background of Israeli military action against its Arab neighbors
  • How dealing with rational state actors versus religious, fanatical Islam has shaped the Israeli state into its current form
  • The Holocaust’s effects in the Middle East

Segment Two:

  • What the Hamas charter has to say about worldwide extermination of Judaism
  • A unified Palestinian state becoming a stepping stone to an international, Shariah-based Caliphate
  • The controversial labeling of Palestinian refugees by the UNRA organization

Segment Three:

  • The relatively low number of IDF casualties despite the fighting conditions they were exposed to and their complex rules of engagement
  • Extensive planning on the part of Hamas, in the most recent Gaza conflict

Segment Four:

  • Over fifty percent of Palestinian “civilian” casualties being military-aged men
  • Other foes of Israel- ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Al-Nusra Front, Bashar Al-Assad and Hezbollah
  • Dangers of making concessions to jihadists, ignoring the ideology that impels them, and allowing them safe-haven
Secure Freedom Radio

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