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With Victor Davis Hanson

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow in Residence in Classics and Military History at the Hoover Institution: PART ONE:

  • Whitewashing Iran and the rewriting of history
  • Historical precedents for a Congressional override of an Iran agreement
  • Why does a deal with Iran matter so much to the President?
  • Deciphering President Obama’s foreign policy pivot toward revolutionary regimes


  • How America’s friends and foes are responding to a shrinking U.S. nuclear umbrella and changing foreign policy
  • A new carte blanche for U.S. policymakers to support the Iranian regime


  • Why the memes of victimization and Western guilt reinforce and encourage Jihadists
  • Ways the Middle East can promote freedom and prosperity
  • Will elections leave Israel without strong support from the American Left and Right?


  • Executive amnesty’s impact on the voting dynamic in the American Southwest
  • Speculation about Hillary’s emails concerning the Russian “reset,” Benghazi, and Clinton Foundation fundraising
  • Social tensions sure to rise over government debt and restoring the American foreign policy deterrence
Secure Freedom Radio

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