Fresh Reasons to Investigate House Democrats’ IT Scandal

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Yesterday, Rush Limbaugh pointed out that, during James Comey’s congressional testimony Monday, the FBI Director indicated that the Russians did not give Wikileaks John Podesta’s emails – at least directly. The FBI assessed that they used a “cut-out,” instead.

This is an intriguing admission. Who was that cut-out or intermediary? And if someone else actually gave Wikileaks the emails that purportedly are the best evidence of Russian intervention in our election, might the source of Hillary Clinton campaign manager’s embarrassing communications not actually have been the Russians after all?

That question is particularly salient because we have learned that a Pakistani national now implicated in an apparently serious penetration of the information technology systems of many House Democrats had access to the Democratic National Committee’s data. A serious counter-intelligence evaluation of this scandal is in order – wherever it may lead.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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