A Fresh Warning about Jihadists in our Midst

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Yesterday, on the first anniversary of a jihadist attack in Brussels, what sure looks like another one was mounted in London. A British-born driver tied to so-called “violent extremism” killed two people and wounded twenty more by mowing them down on Westminster Bridge, then murderously stabbed a police officer outside Parliament.

Although others have been arrested, investigators insist the as-yet-unidentified perpetrator acted alone. They have belatedly acknowledged that he was likely inspired by “Islamist ideology.”

Official reluctance to connect the available dots is common in the aftermath of such events. The practice of downplaying – if not actually dissembling about – the danger posed by Sharia-supremacists in our midst, however, risks getting more of us killed.

Yesterday’s attack underscores why we must not bring in still more such jihadists into our country. If you agree, join us at ImmigrationPause.org.

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