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Fewer than 80 days are left until the US is free from the confines of the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty, and when President Bush can commence deployment of a missile defense system to protect the American people.

A top Pentagon official says the missile defense testing site under construction in Alaska could “be used as an emergency missile defense capability.”

The Pentagon is taking a “system of systems” approach to missile defense, combining boost-phase, mid-course, and terminal-phase interceptors and related ground, sea, and space technologies to speed up the acquisition process.

Prospects for missile defense continue to grow with the recent stunning success in which an interceptor rocket, fired from Kwajalein atoll, selected a mock warhead from among two decoys in space over the Pacific Ocean and destroyed it before re-entry.

The Center for Security Policy’s TV ad campaign airs this week on Fox News, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, A&E, the History Channel, and the Discovery Channel. The ad calls on Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat to renounce his official map depicting the destruction of Israel. Click on either of the following to view a video of the ad:


WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER (For best results with Windows Media Player, allow video to load one time then try playing it again).

Center for Security Policy

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