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Family Research Council Executive Vice President Jerry Boykin was a guest on Secure Freedom Radio with Frank Gaffney today. Boykin is a retired Lt. General and served as Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence.

Gaffney asked Boykin about the infrastructure in America created by groups like the Muslim Brotherhood and if people here should be concerned after terror attacks like the recent ones in Brussels. Boykin recounted an exchange he had with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department:

“One of them said to me, our real concern as we look at what occurred in San Bernardino is that there are Jihadist cells like this probably all over the country. These people have come across our borders, the southern border certainly, but some have come across the northern border, and they have established themselves and they’re waiting for the right opportunity, the right target, and for some kind of direction from sort of the spiritual and theological leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood has many components and we should never forget that ISIS is a component of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Gaffney also asked Boykin, who is an ordained minister, to comment on the administration’s recent declaration that ISIS is committing genocide against Christians.

Boykin used the Balkans War as an example of the double standard in the international community. Because Muslims were being slaughtered then, the UN became involved as well as numerous nations. Today, with the slaughter of Christians, we don’t see the same sense of urgency. Boykin brought up the ancient Christian village of Maaloula in Syria which has been decimated by ISIS with little notice from the international community.

Gaffney then asked Boykin to comment on the Southern Poverty Law Center, which has designated both the Center for Security Policy and the Family Research Council as hate groups. Boykin described the SPLC’s beginnings in the 1970’s as a civil rights organization but noted its radical change:

“Over time, they really became a big money making machine, fleecing people, particularly minorities and ultimately becoming, I would say a tool for the uber left, for every liberal organization in America, and they are just downright evil.”

Boykin points out that they’ve also named various people like Judge Jeanine Pirro,  Brigitte Gabriel and Ann Coulter as hate mongers despite having no authority to do so.

Boykin also pointed out that Floyd Lee Corkins, the man who opened fire in a Family Research Center office, was inspired to do so by the SPLC’s “hate map” which means the SPLC is now tied to an act of domestic terrorism.

Bob Goodlatte, a congressman from Virginia, even sent a letter to the attorney general warning them and other agencies against using data from the SPLC.

On a final topic, Gaffney asked Boykin to address the issue our military’s current readiness, or lack thereof.

“What’s got to happen in our military is that there’s got to be new leadership in there with a focus on one thing and that’s military readiness. Not on social experiments, not on a bunch of nonsense that has nothing to do with preparing our military to do what its mission is and that is to win wars.”

Under Obama, our military has become more concerned with sensitivity training and awareness of white privilege. It remains to be seen how that strategy aids America’s defense.

Secure Freedom Radio

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