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Yesterday in Germany, a refugee from Pakistan murdered visitors to a Christmas market. In Turkey, a policeman assassinated the Russian ambassador. While many of the two incidents’ details are, of course, different, they have one thing in common: Both were acts of individual jihad.

If past experience is any guide, there will be much talk about whether the perpetrators had ties to terrorist groups and speculation about their motives. In the end, the focus on such particulars has the effect of obscuring the underlying reality of jihad – and distracting us from the imperative of defeating it.

The traditions and teachings of Islamic supremacism – promoted by the Pakistani state for decades and now by Turkey’s despot, Recep Erdogan – require Sharia’s adherents to wage holy war against infidels, however and wherever they can.

Unless they’re convinced of its futility, expect more jihad, including here.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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