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The Chinese leadership may be concluding it can treat the Trump administration the same way it did President Obama – namely, like a doormat.

Initially, President Trump flirted with ending the so-called “One China” policy, whereby his predecessors going back to Jimmy Carter had thrown Taiwan under Beijing’s bus. Then, unceremoniously, that idea went over the side.

At his confirmation hearing, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson warned that the U.S. might blockade the man-made and fortified islands China is preparing to use to control the Western Pacific. Just before he met with Chinese leaders this weekend, they announced the construction of yet another one.

Mr. Tillerson nonetheless echoed China’s false claims to want “non-confrontation” and “win-win cooperation” in our bilateral relations. That will likely be read as weakness and an invitation for China to act aggressively.

We better set them straight.

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