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Scott Perry served three terms as a Pennsylvania State Representative. He was elected as the United States Representative of the 4th Congressional District in 2013. He serves on the Committees on Transportation and Infrastructure, Foreign Affairs, and Homeland Security.


Welcome to Secure Freedom Radio. This is Frank Gaffney, your host and guide for what I think of as an intelligence briefing for the war on the free world. There is a man in congress who I have established has uncommon intelligence, a wealth of experience and innate leadership skills to bring them to bare for the country’s well being. He is doing it these days on Capitol Hill representing the people of the fourth district of Pennsylvania. His name is representative Scott Perry, but he also goes by Brigadier General Scott Perry, United States Reserves. He has experienced a lot in time and combat in the kinetic and political kind and it’s always a delight to have him with us. He is on the Committee on Foreign Affairs in the House and a member of the Homeland Security Committee and in the latter committee he chairs the oversight subcommittee.   Thanks so much for joining us it is good to have you back.


Thank you Frank, I’m privileged to be here and your too kind with that, that’s a length intro


All true and well deserved. You have been one of the few members of congress who has picked up on   something that seems to me cries out for close congressional scrutiny. Namely this business of Skolkovo and what Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were doing in that connection. Could you talk to me a little bit about what you know and whether this is something that ought to be rigorously investigated, more so than congress has done so far.


There’s no doubt it ought to be rigorously investigated. When Secretary Clinton was the Secretary in the Obama administration, I guess the easiest way to put it is that the U.S. engaged with Russia in a program where we encouraged our tech companies, you can think of normal commuting, software, etc, to invest in in Russia,  in a place called Skolkovo, the Russian Silicon Valley . We were encouraging our American tech companies to invest in not only dollars but technology in Russia, such that even patents that were made in this place after the investments were made to this company. There is a lot of money involved, John Podesta is involved, there are Shell accounts in the Caribbean involved. The Clinton Global Foundation is involved. And there’s a strong sense that there is money laundering. There is certainly evidence to lead everyone to believe that Mr. Podesta falsified his ethics and his reporting statements regarding money received from foreign governments.


But let me ask you, in your capacity, General, as a military man, one of the particularly alarming things is that your service, the U.S. army, identified this operation as an overt tech transfer or for that matter theft, and among the tech transferred, you mentioned some high tech info tech and so on, but were Hypersonic rocket engine technologies, which are the kinds of things now pointed at us, in a modern and dangerous nuclear arsenal.


You are absolutely right Frank. The U.S. military and others alarmed and informed the government and said it was a security issue; this technology transfer, this policy. Let us set aside political implications regarding Clinton foundation and Mr. Podesta and all of that stuff. There were national security issues which were grave and that was just overlooked and when you look at hypersonic, the engines, for cruse missiles etc., and realize that right now China, and I’m not sure the confirmation of Russia, but certainly China, has that weapon capability over the horizon, on their ships, were now outmatch and outclass the U.S. Navy. That is happening right now. So I think at some point the connection could be made that we aided and embedded, we essentially transferred that technology to our enemies who are now using it against us.


Well they haven’t used it yet but certainly in a position to do so at will which is really alarming. Especially as you know, General, these are technologies that are designed to overcome our missile defenses, which is an ominous thing. Hey, let me ask you about something else before we run out of time. Our guest is Congressman Scott Perry, representing the fourth district of Pennsylvania. You did in your role as Chairman of Oversight Subcommittee of Homeland Committee in the House, I consider one of the most important hearings to date certainly since 9/11, about the Muslim Brotherhood and the willful blindness we saw so much of during the Obama years in regard to that dangerous group. There was a document obtained by Judicial Watch, involving a woman I’ve been very concerned about with extensive ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, Huma Abedin, who was one of Clintons top aids as you know. Her mother is a prominent figure in the Muslim Sisterhood, the counterpart to the Brotherhood, and apparently this interchange between them involved Huma soliciting advice from her mother about who the US should appoint to be its rep to a group called the organization of Islamic cooperation , another Sharia supremacist deal. Given your understanding about what we are up against, in terms of this sharia supremacist enterprise known as the Brotherhood, how serious a problem does this and their stealth jihad more generally represent as you see it?


I think it’s a serious problem and the more serious problem is not their secrecy and their covert activity, literally their actions and activities are fairly overt. It’s the acceptance on the part of people involved in state craft and policy making of the Brotherhood and their mission. And the continue apologies of such, when Ive asked the Secretary of State, the Ambassador to the United Nations, various Committee Chairmen, every individual I have asked why we are not designating them as a terrorist organization or something along that line, there’s always some apology like where, ‘We have to deal with them, they’re embedded in different governments and there’s different places on the spectrum,’ and so forth, to which I say, they all have the same mission, the same goal in mind. And whether the means are different is irrelevant to me. Their interest in the United States is the downfall of our governance.


Couldn’t be more explicit about it either.


That’s exactly right. It seems to me this should be an easy choice, but I cant convince colleagues that this is what needs to be done.


Well I hope you will persist in it sir. Your leadership is desperately needed, we are here to help you and always welcome the chance to talk with you and collaborate as well. Let me ask you if I could quickly about two issues you’ve been involved with recently in the deliberation on the house floor about the National Defense Authorization act. One, your own amendment to try to get DOD out of climate change business. And two, the amend offered by Rep. Vicky Haltzer, about transgenders getting their sex change operation paid for by the military’s overstretched healthcare budget.


Those two amendments were offered on the National Defense Authorization Act. Unfortunately with republicans in charge of the house, we could not garner enough votes to have them passed, so as it stands right now, DOD will be doing climate change studies and reporting and the American taxpayer, through the DOD, will be paying for individuals that enlist in the military and then desire a gender reassignment surgery. So we had two amendments, one was mine on climate change, the other Vicky Hartzler on transgender issue. On mine in particular, I am not saying climate change isn’t real, that it shouldn’t be studied, that its not an issue, I’m not saying a lot of things. All I am saying that the appropriate place to do it isn’t DOD, we have stretched dollars for national security, we are twenty trillion in debt and we are trying to bolster U.S. military. The last thing I want to do is have officers, soldiers, service members, have another thing to deal with that takes them away from keeping their eye on defeating the enemies of the us and securing our liberties. On the transgender issue, Duncan Hunter said it very well and succinctly: ‘Look if you want to be a man and you are a woman that’s fine, and if you are a man and want to be a woman we accept that too. But decide to do that before your join the military, that shouldn’t be a burden, that DOD or American taxpayers pay for.’ Again, we have scarce resources and we want to make sure all those resources are going into the fight. We don’t accept members into military if you have a neck tattoo I don’t see a human cry to have the taxpayer pay for the removal of a neck tattoo, so that you might join the military. But yet, we have made this provision. And as Republicans, we could not garner enough support for those two amendments or the [inaudible] Amendment, which quite honestly, informs us on how to defeat Islamic radicalism which seems to be in my mind and estimation a place we are fighting in a lot of the world. It seems to be an easy vote but on all three of those votes, Frank , when they were defeated on the floor, the other side was cheering, and I’m thinking to myself, you’re cheering against your nation.


And our national security to boot. Congressman, we have to leave it at that. There is so much more to talk about, I appreciate your leadership on these efforts and I keep have myself wondering, where is the rest of the leadership in terms of whipping on these votes and making sure we do the right thing for our military men and women. God bless you sir, keep it up and come back to us soon.

Secure Freedom Radio

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