The Pentagon Drops the SPLC, Other Agencies Must, Too

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Increasingly, our most fundamental freedom is under assault, with profound implications for the Republic and its people.  Organizations like the discredited Southern Poverty Law Center (better known by the acronym, SPLC), its Sharia-supremacist allies, enablers in the media and government are seeking to suppress their political opponents’ constitutionally protected right to free speech.

The SPLC has been joined by Facebook, Google and other IT giants, financial services corporations and elected officials in what amounts to “unrestricted warfare” against those working, for example, to inform our countrymen about the nature and agendas of America’s enemies, foreign and domestic.

The good news is that the Defense Department has reportedly stopped allowing the SPLC’s phony information about “extremism” to be used in its training programs.  As an important step toward protecting freedom, the rest of the government – at every level – should do the same.

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