McMaster’s Dangerous Policy Delusions Require that He’s Got to Go

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When Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster urged him to keep the United States bound by Barack Obama’s fatally flawed nuclear agreement with Iran – a deal the President correctly said the mullahs were violating and was not in America’s vital interests, the prime rationale was that perpetuating the Obamabomb deal would help constrain Tehran’s malevolent behavior.

But, within days, Iranian militia rolled into Kurdish areas of northern Iraq, effectively strangling in the crib the prospect of an independent Kurdistan closely allied with the United States.  That’s a strategic setback for this country of the first order.

H.R. McMaster, however, seems to think it’s okay since Iraq remains a unified, sovereign and friendly nation.  In fact, that country is now effectively controlled by Iran’s jihadist regime – which is only being emboldened by the general’s delusions and policy recommendations. He’s got to go.

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