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A jihadist murdered more of us yesterday in New York City. Worse yet, all other things being equal, it will surely not be the last such incident.

So, have you had enough?  Enough of the violence Sharia-supremacists dole out to force us to submit.

Enough of the leaders who insist that the guys yelling “Allahu akbar” as they blow us up or mow us down are not “terrorists,” or at least not part of a terrorist group?

Enough of the refusal to name the enemy or define the ideology that motivates them?

If so, we must demand better.  Better surveillance and the shutting down of mosques that incubate jihadism.  Better vetting to stop importing more jihadists. And better leadership – that tells us the truth about Sharia and the jihad it commands, and counters the threat they pose to this country, now.

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