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Yesterday, the United States joined the United Kingdom and twenty other allied nations in expelling purported “Russian diplomats.” This action has been been portrayed as a demonstration of solidarity with Britain after Vladimir Putin’s regime used military nerve agent to try to kill a turncoat and his daughter there.

Actually, it’s a long-overdue counter-intelligence measure, made necessary by Russia’s espionage operations in this country said to be even more aggressive than during the height of the Cold War.

The question is: How many more Russian spies remain? Of particular concern are so-called “illegals,” like those who had penetrated the political machines of Hillary Clinton and Sen. Chuck Schumer and were sent packing in 2010 – before they could be properly interrogated.

As a career spy himself, you can bet Putin will keep his comrades at it in this country.  Roll them up.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.

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