Shut Down Iran’s Covert Nuclear Bunker

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This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

Yesterday, the good ISIS – in this case, the acronym stands for the Institute for Science and International Security – confirmed a dirty little secret. The Iranian regime has never fulfilled what was supposedly one of its most important concessions in the Obamabomb deal. This cheating dwarfs in importance Iran’s recently acknowledged violations that have gotten the Europeans’ panties in a bunch.

Instead of shutting down a hardened underground facility associated with its nuclear weapons ambitions, the mullahocracy has relentlessly continued work there. Since the bunker at Fordow is off-limits to our spies and international inspectors, we can only speculate as to what that work entails.  My bet is there’s a full-scale nuclear bomb-building operation hidden there.

It’s high time the Trump administration’s “maximum pressure” campaign focuses on shutting down Fordow, along with the rest of Iran’s covert program for acquiring the Bomb.

This is Frank Gaffney.

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