The one-state solution to Middle East peace – Israel

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President Trump has made the Palestinians an offer he hopes they can’t refuse.  The “Vision for Peace” he unveiled yesterday at the White House offered them the prospect of a state of their own and $50 billion in exchange for recognizing the State of Israel and committing to live peacefully side-by-side with it.

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President Trump has made the Palestinians an offer he hopes they can’t refuse.  The “Vision for Peace” he unveiled yesterday at the White House offered them the prospect of a state of their own and $50 billion in exchange for recognizing the State of Israel and committing to live peacefully side-by-side with it.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz, his chief rival in their nation’s past and upcoming elections, have endorsed the President’s vision.

What passes for the leadership of Palestinians – an unsavory assortment of thugs, corrupt politicians and jihadists – have, however, categorically rejected it. It seems a safe bet that many other Palestinians might be more favorably disposed, but they lack the power and physical security to have any impact.

Consequently, for now, there is a one-state solution for Mideast peace and it’s called Israel. 

This is Frank Gaffney.

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