Brian Kennedy on the importance of China in the upcoming presidential election

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With John Rossomando, Diana West, Brian Kennedy and Peter Huessy

JOHN ROSSOMANDO, Senior Analyst for Defense Policy at the Center for Security Policy:

  • China’s increasing military capability
  • How can the US slow this buildup?

DIANA WEST, Nationally syndicated columnist, Blogs at, Author of Death of the Grown UpAmerican Betrayal, and Red Thread: A Search for Ideological Drivers Inside the Anti-Trump Conspiracy:

  • Analyzing the first presidential debate
  • Cases of election fraud throughout the United States
  • The debate over the BLM and Antifa riots in American cities

BRIAN KENNEDY, Chairman, Committee on the Present Danger: China:

  • Hunter Biden’s connections to China
  • Chinese financial laws regarding transparency
  • The importance of China in this upcoming presidential election

PETER HUESSY, Director for Strategic Deterrent Studies at the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies, Former Senior Defense Consultant at the National Defense University Foundation, Senior Fellow at the American Foreign Policy Council:

  • The distribution of money within the International Monetary Fund
  • Issues with the way this money is allocated to the Chinese Communist Party

Secure Freedom Radio

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