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With Adm. James ‘Ace’ Lyons, Bill Gertz and Nik Kowsar

ADM. JAMES ‘ACE’ LYONS, Former Commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, Served as Senior U.S. Military Representative to the United Nationas, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations from 1983-1985:

  • China’s emerging military power
  • How to counter Beijing’s objective to dominate sea
  • Geo-strategic implications of South China Sea


  • Importance of improving Taiwan’s military capabilities
  • The militarization of space
  • Prospects for US-NK upcoming talks

BILL GERTZ, Senior editor at the Washington Free Beacon, Inside the Ring columnist at the Washington Times, Author of iWar: War and Peace in the Information Age (2016):

  • House Intelligence Committee’s hearing on threat from China
  • What are the top tier threats the US faces?
  • Captain Fannell’s critical warning for America

NIK KOWSAR, Iranian-Canadian cartoonist, blogger and journalist living in D.C., Arrested in 2000 for a cartoon and spent 6 days at the Evin Prison in Tehran, Editor of Khodnevis, a citizen journal platform:

  • Comparing Iranian regime to Star Wars saga
  • How wide spread is Iranian rebellion currently?
  • Why targeted sanctions work

Secure Freedom Radio

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